
Life isn’t mean to be easy. The only constant thing in my life since age 17, even when I was a troubled teenager searching the world high and far and in all the wrong places countless times over and over again, has been the grace of God.

Our cups will never be full, but Jesus Christ paid the ultimate debt and bridges the gap where we fall short.

Say you were at rock bottom, and whatever you were doing wasn’t quite working out, and if you had one bet, why not just place a bet and have some faith in Jesus Christ and see what happens.

I’m not a smart man and not even close to perfect, but I have read the Bible 4 times start to finish in 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023 and plan to make it something I do every year moving forward, but each time I finished reading the Bible God like stuff happened for me in God like ways.

Without getting too preachy, I ask you today if you like dogs? Yeah it’s a silly question, but say you do. Why is it that the most amazing creature and man’s best friend is spelled

D-O-G which happens to be G-O-D backwards?

I don’t know. Have a nice day and let me know if I can pray for you.

PS. Sure I do standup comedy, but in 10 - 15 years I plan to own a comedy club and on Sundays the comedy club will be a church and through out the comedy club will be a place for a small group to meet and do life together.


A Top 10 favorite church sermon of mine.

A powerful song about being worthy and loved by the grace of God.


Your mental health matters. It’s ok to admit you need help. It’s ok to start over. The mind can be a scary place when thoughts and anxiety run rampant; Just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


I have been a substitute teacher since early 2017. I never became a teacher because I felt I studied the wrong subject in college (English) and discovered I was more passionate teaching business and art. Grammar is important, but mine at best is a B; however, I can think of an original idea. Then quickly into my teaching career I realized students had a phone/ social media addiction issue… so I spent 2 years designing and app that would break social media addiction. I can guarantee no other app has the theory/ formula/ recipe that I created, which will offer a long time solution in a non-intrusive way.

But to be honest, after getting rejected over and over and over again and not really getting the time of day to truly pitch my Shark Tank Idea, I kinda got exhausted so stopped pursuing it. I have presentations and videos for Fortune 500 companies collecting dust.

If you are an investor or know somebody who could maybe help bring the app to break social media to life, please send me an email at

I still substitute teach today because I feel it’s a way I get to serve the community. I coulda stopped in 2022, but It’s important to be humble and the schools need me. For 7 years, most days I heard by one student “You should be our real teacher” or “Are you coming back tomorrow?” and I know I would be on the first ballot for the the Teacher Hall of Fame for the impact I have made in the school district I have honorably served in.

I know I make an impact as a substitute teacher, but my goal is everything on this website and to bring a true solution to break social media addiction.

Summer 2022 , I pitched my Shark Tank Idea to Mark Cuban