All my life, I have felt like the underdog. I wish I could share my life story because mouths would drop. The good news is that my story is still being written, and I hope the same for you.

However, I do feel I'm closer to sharing my life story and the struggles and hardships I have endured. I know I could help the masses with some relatable experiences.

To name a few, I have lived in poverty, watched my brother get sick, had my heart shattered, passed over on opportunities, been bullied, fired for no reason, lost friends, and been denied a seat at the table too many times to count despite being qualified. I even have Asperger's, which is a long conversation in itself.

I’m about to celebrate two years sober from weed and one year from alcohol. I didn’t take substances because I wanted to; I took them to mask the pain and anxiety I was dealing with.

I used to get sad and depressed about stuff I couldn’t control. But over trial and error, I learned that I can control my attitude and my desire and eagerness to work hard every day and keep showing up. I’ve gotten to the point where when things don’t work out, I say “Good!” It’s like getting repetitions towards greater things. Einstein failed 1000 times before the light bulb invention. I’m sitting around failure 993. Sometimes you have to start over and that’s OK.

Sure, sometimes it gets discouraging when we put in the work and don't see the results. Each time we get knocked down, we can decide to get back up or stay down. Sometimes, it’s not even about winning or losing, it’s about going the distance knowing you gave your journey everything you had and never quit. Some do get lucky, but for many, it’s putting in the work when nobody is watching while also having unshakeable faith.

Jeremiah 29:11 says:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I have a lot to say and wish I could go into more detail about my career thus far as a standup comedian and how writing a boxing movie came about, but today is not that day. But I will say, embrace the role as THE UNDERDOG and keep showing up. Go another round.


