The boxing movie I wrote was/ is 10 years in the making based on a little idea I had in college. I know some people don’t believe in New Year's goals, or follow through with them, but considering this is 2023 the Jordan year, I decided I was going to do something bold and scary. I was going to learn a science and an art unknown to me; I was going to write a screenplay.

During the first few months of the year, I read the entire Bible to prepare for this endeavor. Then I read books on how to write a screenplay and tons of screenplays. No screenplay is the same, and some of the veterans claim there are no rules when it comes to screenwriting. It’s interesting to read the screenplay of a movie you love and compare it to a finished successful film. They are like 85% similar.

Anyways, after I felt I had read a ton of screenplays, I started writing, and writing, and writing. Then I started editing, editing, and editing. Then it became write, edit, write, edit, write, edit, write, edit. Once I had a working first draft, I was like, “I’m going back in for one more scene."

Then it was, "How do I condense 134 pages to 120 pages?" Supposedly outsiders have a hard time breaking into the industry if the script is over 120 pages. I wasn’t nervous because I knew I had written the next great boxing movie, but I wanted the cards in my favor and to get a seat at the table, rather than instantly rejected.

Then it was, read on the computer, edit, print, read twice while editing, read again, add changes to the computer, and read again. I did this over and over and over again. Some screenwriters say they do 2 drafts and a polished draft. Well, I have Asperger’s and think I did about 15 drafts, but who’s counting?

When I finished the final walk-through, I cried. After I submitted it to the Writer’s Guild and The Copyright Office, I celebrated over a nice dinner with my girlfriend. Writing a screenplay was one of the hardest things I ever did. I can’t give away any details, but I put myself through some physical and mental stress to be able to write a very raw and powerful story.

Along the way, I learned as a screenwriter you want to have multiple options because what if the screenplay isn’t for the director, producer, agent, manager, or actor? Therefore, you have multiple products to offer and that’s what I did. I created pitch decks for 3 different original TV show ideas. So now I had a boxing movie, and 3 TV shows. But there was one major obstacle. There was a Writer’s Guild Strike. JUST MY LUCK. Call this a natural disaster like a tsunami, a hurricane, an earthquake, or the perfect storm.

I sent out probably around 200 emails with a short synopsis of my screenplay through a query letter. Think of it as the bait. Will they bite? If they bite on the query letter, you send the script. I had 3 requests for the script from Indie companies. Some would be honored. Not me. If I were to send the script to an indie company, my future would be doomed because they wouldn’t have big money, and they wouldn’t be able to attract big talent. The movie emotionally picks up from the dramatic impact of the boxing trainer, so I would like an A-talent actor for that role. The movie would probably go straight to DVD, and my future in show business would be doomed before it could begin. I feel I have one shot, so might aswell do it right. God brought me this far. I can wait a little longer.

Then it dawned on me. I told my close circle to grill me, roast me, to be harsh on my script and the query letter. When it was done after revisions here and there, they all agreed I created a future bidding war. But after 200 emails, I realized people were not responding because of the strike. If there was no strike, I bet I would be sitting around 25/200 requesting the script and not 3/200, and they would be part of the Writer’s Guild.

So all and all, I decided to stop my efforts till the WGA strike is officially over because I wrote a movie where people will cry, smile, and say, “Damn, that was a really great movie!” when the credits roll in theaters nationwide.

But when the strike is officially over, I give my family, my girlfriend, my future kids, and my true fans a pledge that I will give my marketing efforts everything I have. Climb one mountain, to climb another, and that’s where I am, and I am here for it.

I wish I had the time to look over this blog post for grammar, but I work my day job tomorrow (substitute teacher), and I told my Facebook followers who won’t read this that I would have a screenplay update this weekend and now it’s Sunday night, so I had to rush this blog post. Have a great week!

God Speed,


PS. If by chance you are, or happen to know a producer, director, manager, agent, actor, or someone working in the industry and would be interested in reading the next great boxing movie screenplay, please send me an email. You might just jump up and down after reading the script, or ask to hear a TV show idea.


